Holiday Stress Toolkit

This time of year comes with mixed emotions.  There is joy in the air, holiday plans, and shopping.  In addition, for some people…, there is also - grief, stress, and a feeling of overwhelm.  I might be the only one talking about this in your inbox because it's all online sales, shipping notifications and evites…  But I’m here to provide you with some tools if this might be you this season.

The unspoken truth of the holidays for some adults is that -  it is a lot.  A lot to manage, a lot to feel, and a lot to DO.  Even if this isn’t true for you during the holiday season, I want to arm you with resources to calm your nervous system all year long.  

Since I teach people to move through fear and follow their soul led goals - I happen to have a lot of tools in the toolbelt!  So let’s dive in…

Whether you are looking for something to listen to in the background while you tackle holiday to-do’s, a meditation to pop into your earbuds while you escape to your room for a few, or an exercise to calm your heart rate down during a heated family debate around the Christmas table…  I’ve got you!  Read the full blog post with links to tools here:  Holiday Stress Toolkit

  1. Guided Meditation - RAIN by Tara Brach on an app called Insight Timer (10 min). This one is good if you are new to meditation or if you have something stressful that is bothering you that you’d like to diffuse.

  2. Uncomplicate your Holiday To-Do List - Lazy Genius Podcast episode (30 min). I used this strategy last year and it relieved a lot of stress and eliminated a lot of post-its.  I also recommend shared notes on your iphone (with family members) & google sheet checklists.  Share with family members so that they can help you get stuff done.

  3. Peace Begins with Me Technique - Gabby Bernstein Anxiety Relief Technique (4 min). This is the one I mentioned you could even do under the table during a heated conversation to calm your nervous system down without anyone knowing.

  4. Calming Christmas Music - Christmas Peaceful Piano on Spotify. It's amazing what some soft music and candles can do to relax you.  You don’t need a lot of time to practice self care.  Hit play, light a candle, pour a cup of tea and THEN tackle your list.

  5. EFT Tapping - Guided Tapping for Overwhelm on Insight Timer (10 min). You might want to also glance at this visual of the tapping points before you start if you are new to Emotional Freedom Technique (or EFT).

  6. Breathwork - Free Wim Hof Track on Spotify (15 min). I’m a huge breathwork fan and have many paid options for this but this is simply a free resource that is accessible to all.  Message me if you want other ways to go deeper.

  7. Use Your Triggers to Heal - How to Not Get Triggered Guest Blog Post. Read more on how to learn from and diffuse your triggers as you spend time with loved ones and emotions get stirred up.

  8. Your Souls Expansion Audio - Meditation by Sarah Blondin  Insight Timer (8 min). Sometimes just playing a Sarah Blondin meditation while doing the dishes can calm the soul, her voice and words are medicine.  I do recommend doing it as a meditation but even if you just need a little calming and you can’t sit, hit play on this one (she has lots more and an awesome self-love book). 

Don’t skip your basic self care (workouts, hydration, and nutrition) in the interest of saving time -  it always backfires.  Remember that you are at choice when it comes to how you spend your time, what you sign up for, and how present you are during each moment.  Your loved ones might not thank you for caring for yourself during the holidays, but they will remember how you made them feel.  

Enjoy the holiday moments,



Set Up Your Physical Environment to Stay on Track with Your Goals


How to NOT get triggered - Guest Blog by Diane Sorensen